Persistence of previous session results - Results data for flybys and
plots is saved to disk and can be accessed and re-displayed in any later
session of PIPEFLO v7.
Locate Facilities - PIPEFLO v7 can automatically locate
compressors, pumps, heaters, coolers and UnitX facilities subject to
pressure/temperature criteria entered by the user.
Expanded error messaging - Messages regarding missing or inconsistent
data during data entry and solve-time errors have been expanded. Clicking on
the new message will pop up the relevant data entry screen.
New Component added - Helium has been added to the library of components
for both compositional systems and for limited compositional systems.
New Multiphase Flow Methods Added - OLGAS 2000 Two-Phase and OLGAS2000
Three-Phase flow models are now available under special license from ScandPower
Petroleum Technology Inc.
Improved Flybys - Colour-coded results flybys indicate solve status -
white: input data and results are consistent; yellow: input data may have
changed since the last successful solve; red: case failed to solve.
Manipulate Schematic Diagram - Inline facilities (all components on
Schematic Diagram other than pipes), can be stretched away from their
attachment point(s) to improve display and clarity of pipeline system diagram.
Hold down the CTRL-SHIFT keys together before beginning the drag operation with
the mouse.
Display entire Schematic Diagram - For large networks or pipeline
systems a new overview allows a zoomed-out view of the entire network for
printing or centering on the click-point. Press F2 or select View->Entire
Network on the main menu.
Expanded export to Excel spreadsheet format - New capabilities include:
"Export All" creates an individual table of user-selectable results for each
pipe unit; or "Export Flow Assurance" creates a table of user-selectable
results relevant for Flow Assurance or internal corrosion risk analysis, for
any user selected path through the network. These functions are available on
the Results menu.
New Corrosion Prediction Module - A new facility provides an internal
pipeline corrosion risk assessment based on the work of NeoCorr Engineering
Ltd. Enable the fluid source "Corrosion Risk" item.
Tabular Fluid Property Data Entry - User-defined
Pressure-Temperature-Enthalpy tables can be entered for Black Oil fluid
systems. Click on the "PTH Table" button on the fluid source "Fluid Properties"
item. This will be expanded later to include other user-specified fluid
New Fluid System - Orimulsion400(R) developed by PDVSA can now be
handled as a specialized fluid. Correlations have been developed by Neotec to
automatically model the physical and thermodynamic properties. Click on "Fluid
Selection" from the General Case Data settings.
Oil-Water Emulsion Viscosity Behaviour - Two optional correlations have
been added to model simple oil-water emulsions. Click on the "Emulsion" item
from the General Case Data settings. Emulsion modelling can be enabled or
disabled for individual pipe units.
Windows 98/ME Incompatibilities Solved - Previous incompatibilities
between recent versions of PIPEFLO v7 and Windows 98/Me(R), have been
eliminated for those still running that operating system.
Improved Phase Envelope Diagram - A new, more robust algorithm has been
developed for the calculation and display of the phase envelope when using an
equation of state for a compositional analysis. Also, as an option, the
predicted pressure, temperature profile in a pipeline can now be displayed on
the phase envelope plot.
Internal Coatings Supported - PIPEFLO v7 can now handle the
specialized heat transfer computation for internally coated pipes which may or
may not have multiple coatings. Provision also exists for specifying the
resulting absolute roughness of the inner-most surface which affects the
predicted frictional pressure loss.
Miscellaneous Improvements - The thermal expansion model has been
expanded to compute hydrocarbon liquid densities below the freezing point of
water. A gravity and pressure dependence has been introduced into the
prediction of black-oil hydrocarbon liquid enthalpies. The non-compositional
gas enthalpy prediction has been expanded to handle pressures from 3000 to 6000
psia. Additional edit functions have been added to the flow relationship for
sources. Minor bugs were fixed as reported by users and as a result of internal
QA testing since the last release.