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Passwords of known HASP dongles (dumps/software list) [ 12-Apr-2004 21:58 / 01-Jan-2011 05:10 ]

Below is a table of known passwords (Password1:Password2) for HASP (HASP3, HASP4), HASP HL and HASP SRM dongles to corresponding software. If you have your own dumps or any other information (including info about passwords for keys to specific software), send them in to add to the collection.

In order to dump (retrieve) information from your HASP (HASP3, HASP4), HASP HL or HASP SRM dongle, please get in touch with me.

To search passwords or software in the list, please use "Ctrl + F" keys combination.

Each one of this HASP dongles dumps can be used with HASP dongle emulator.

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Pages with applications:   [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Native | Noname ]   [ Full List ]
(Select the first char of the application name)

Passwords Pages: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | F ]   [ Passwords Full List ]
(Select the first char of the Password)

Passwords (Hex) Passwords (Dec) Application Description Request
62DF:46A8 25311:18088 LG Order HASP Emulator
3EBD:5A5B 16061:23131 Liga (Îäíà èç ñòàðûõ?) Order HASP Emulator
1715:50CD 5909:20685 Light-in-Night Order HASP Emulator
3623:5840 13859:22592 Lira [NetHASP] Order HASP Emulator
3623:5840 13859:22592 Lira v8.2 Order HASP Emulator
1B5D:1832 7005:6194 Litis Order HASP Emulator
15DC:4685 5596:18053 LocOFFICE (ËîêÎÔÔÈÑ) Order HASP Emulator
307F:7AC7 12415:31431 LocOFFICE (ËîêÎÔÔÈÑ) [NetHASP] Order HASP Emulator
065E:6C88 1630:27784 LocOFFICE (ËîêÎÔÔÈÑ) v3.10 Order HASP Emulator
44C2:02CB 17602:715 LocOFFICE (ËîêÎÔÔÈÑ) v3.10 Order HASP Emulator
307F:7AC7 12415:31431 LocOFFICE (ËîêÎÔÔÈÑ) v3.11 [NetHASP] Order HASP Emulator
5D3E:78E7 23870:30951 LP16.DLL © CAS Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2F 65535:65327 Lpunch Order HASP Emulator
789B:202F 30875:8239 LTR Order HASP Emulator
Dongles dumps summary: 14

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